Governance policies

Governance policies

For more information or copies of our detailed policies please get in touch.

QEHS Policy
Bennetts Cranes is committed to ensuring that quality, environmental, health and safety standards are at the forefront of everything we do. All members of the team are required to keep up-to-date with their training and awareness and our equipment is subject to routine inspections and maintenance, complying with legislation and safety standards bodies, and continuously assessed and monitored to meet and exceed requirements.

Anyone working for or on behalf of Bennetts Cranes is required to operate in accordance with our policies and procedures.

Risk Assessment
Bennetts Cranes will ensure a systemic approach to identifying hazards, assessing risks, determining suitable and sufficient control measures and informing employees of the correct procedures needed to maintain a safe working environment.

We will provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe places and systems of work, safe plant and machinery, safe handling of materials and substances, the provision of adequate safety equipment and ensure that appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision is given.

Equal Opportunities Policy
Bennetts Cranes aims to be an inclusive organisation where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, and where there is equal opportunity for all. This means that all our staff understand and respect that we have a diverse workforce and that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and equality. Bennetts Cranes respects and values the diversity of its staff and provides conditions of employment as required by the Equality Act 2010. Valuing diversity means that we recognise that we all have complex identities made up of different strands, including but not limited to, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical and mental aptitudes, nationality, socio-economic status and religious, political and other beliefs.

Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
Bennetts Cranes takes a zero-tolerance approach to the violation of human rights through slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking.

We are committed to ensuring transparency in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains, consistent with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Bribery and Corruption Policy
Bennetts Cranes’ corporate conduct is based on our commitment to operating professionally, fairly and with integrity in all of our business relationships. We do not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption and encourage employees and sub-contractors to raise any concerns they may have with a Bennetts Cranes Director in total confidence. Bennetts Cranes will uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption including the Bribery Act 2010.

Supplier Control
Suppliers are subject to approval based on QEHS standards as part of our procurement policy and are reviewed on an annual basis.