We are extremely proud to say that over £7,000 was raised for Cancer Research UK by the Bennetts ladies team who ran the Race for Life in Gloucester on June 10.
Tracey, Clare, June, Zoe, Sue, Judith, Laura and Rosie all decided to run the Race for Life, and between them raised £3,730, which was match funded by Bennetts to make a total of £7,460 to donate to Cancer Research UK.
Sporting their pink Race for Life t-shirts and tutus and their blue Bennetts caps they jogged and walked 5K on a very hot and sunny Sunday with thousands of other ladies.
Tracey Pockett, Director at Bennetts and part of the Race for Life team, said: “We’re so pleased to have raised so much for a fantastic cause. Everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer either directly or indirectly, and that is the same for all of us at Bennetts. Each of us has had family or friends suffer from this disease, some have even battled it themselves and won. We all ran with this in mind.
“It was a great day, very warm and sunny, but great atmosphere that helped you get to the finish line. Thank you to everyone who donated, friends, family, colleagues and clients, we’re so pleased to have reached such a substantial figure.”